What students are saying...
"I think it’s good because you can easily access your projects. You can also see the teacher’s code which is helpful"
Student - Computer Science
What teachers are saying...
"Really simple for students to use and get started right away. Get starter code really easily Get onto correct lesson really easily"
Tom - former secondary school Computing teacher and BlueShift teacher
What teachers are saying...
“Being able to organise and keep track of lessons and students would help me teach "
Scott - Computer Trainer Brigend College
What teachers are saying...
"They wanted to get started w/ coding quickly and it was much quicker than trinket or replit - when you compare the usability - it’s amazing."
Computer Science Teacher
What school leaders are saying...
"Kita provides a high level of the functionality we need - particularly the ability to see students coding in real time and be able to interact directly with the students code."
Head of Computer Science, Inspired Education
Why Kita?
Kita takes the complexity out of teaching computer science

Reduce time marking and lesson planning

Teach each student at their level

An all-in-one editor with no installation

Engage students in your classroom
Integrated multiplayer classroom
Streamline course material, lessons and assignments and solve problems together in realtime
Multiplayer Editor
Kita empowers students and teachers to collaborate in real time, fostering interactive learning and instant feedback. Making problem-solving more engaging.

AI-enabled Assessment and Student Feedback
Create personalised learning plans based on coursework. Track student progress and engagement with AI

One Workspace
With Kita a single link gets your class connected to the code editor. Embed files, share materials, and review student projects.
In partnership with

One Workspace
With Kita a single link gets your class connected to the code editor. Embed files, share materials, and review student projects.
Multiplayer Editor
Kita empowers students and teachers to collaborate in real time, fostering interactive learning and instant feedback. Making problem-solving more engaging.

AI-enabled Assessment and Student Feedback
Create personalised learning plans based on coursework. Track student progress and engagement with AI.